After the successful handover of FCS’ former calibration aircraft D-CFMD to ACAM-FCS on July 23, 2020, now operating under the role-fitting registration of T7-CAL, the first customer in South East Asia contracted the new player in the market to provide Flight Inspection Services.

From September 03, to September 11, 2020, the first successful Flight Inspection campaign has been completed by ACAM-FCS for their customer, Cambodian Airports Company.
At the core of the program was an ILS Annual Flight Inspection plus PAPIs at Phnom Penh International (VDPP), followed by an ILS Cat I including PAPI at Siem Reap Airport (VDSR), located in close proximity to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Angkor Wat. Commissioning Flight Inspection of new PAPI installations at Sihanoukville Airport (VDSV) for both runway directions concluded this exciting, albeit demanding, first deployment.
An additional challenge to completing the mission was the current Covid-19 situation, which had to be addressed painstakingly both in preparation of the mission as well as in picking a viable routing from Braunschweig to the destination Phnom Penh. Through a rigorous planning process, and through the competence and motivation of all involved, all challenges were overcome. Rising to these challenges, leading staff from ACAM-FCS flew the mission, with Chief Pilot Flight Inspection James Philip and FCS’ COO Thomas Wede as cockpit crew, joined by ACAM-FCS’ Senior Flight Inspector, Thomas Schachtner. After the successful mission, and the handover of the relevant Flight Inspection Reports to the customer, T7-CAL was ferried to Jakarta, ACAMs second operating base, and later onto Singapore to be readied for further deployments in the region.